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Why I hate my book . . .

Do you want to know why I hate my book? It's kind of crazy. I am so excited about releasing Lilly soon! But I'm not gonna lie. It's been...


"What is it like to be a writer?" People sometimes ask me. It's hard to explain, but it's just life. Being a writer is my work, my hobby,...

What I Dream

Have you ever wanted something so badly, you felt it almost had to happen? Has it ever actually happened? I do! For years, I've wanted to...

My Favorite Things

What do you love? I mean, really love! There's so much to be grateful for. I love the sky, my family, sunshine, playing with my niece,...

Writer's Block

Seriously! Most days, writer's block couldn't be any further from what I feel. I feel it today. So, I decided that if I couldn't think of...

New Roads

Life is full of twists and unexpected curves. You get a cold the night before you were supposed to sing in a recital, you win a...


Characters are my favorite thing about writing! I'm a psychology major in school, and I love looking at how people think and the...

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